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Unstuck; Simple Ways To Shake Up Stagnant Energy When You're Feeling Stuck

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BY JENNY SMITH MATTFELDT Published October 5, 2024

girl with good energy in a mountain hot tub

I don’t know if it’s the stars, the shift in weather, or just me, but lately I’ve been feeling stuck— like I’m wading through stagnant energy, motivation nowhere in sight. When this energy hits lazy days, imposter syndrome, and a lack of drive seem to creep in. But here’s the thing: motivation and energy aren’t just something that fall into your lap, we have the power to create it. Even when it feels like the last thing you want to do, these are the easiest ways (that I'm actually using this week) to break free from that funky energy and get back on track.

EFT Tapping

I’ll stop preaching about EFT the day it stops working for me— but I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Our thoughts and habits create these little pathways in our brains, the more we think or act in a certain way, the deeper and more ingrained that path becomes. What EFT does is help break up that old thought path, clearing the way for a new, better thought or habit to take its place. I tap along with Brad Yates videos multiple times a week and I swear they work wonders.

When the energy is stagnant...

For increasing your energy...

When even coffee isn't helping...

Feeling imposter syndrome...

If you're coping in negative ways...

If you just can't do the things you know you need to get done...

If you don't feel like you're making any progress...

Moving Your Body

Okay, when I'm feeling stuck the last thing I want to do is workout but it is the easiest way to shake up stagnant energy. The great thing though is you can get a hit of dopamine and decrease cortisol by moving your body in any way, doesn't matter if its going for a walk or hitting the weights. If you're short on time you can get the same effect by standing up and doing a full body shake or bouncing around.

Changing Up Your Routine

This is the biggest one for me. If you have a similar routine every day, especially if you work from home, you've got to mix it up. Try a new coffee shop, start a new show, call a friend you haven't talked to in a while, rearrange some furniture, or insert some new exciting habits into your routine. A step farther, and this might not be the healthiest advice, but when I really need to shake up my energy I'll buy something new that will get me excited about my day like a new Yeti (the new colors are adorable), a new skincare tool (already on the way), or some new workout clothes (the best leggings ever). It's just all about making things feel new and exciting.

Journal, Especially About Gratitude

I recently read something that I can't get out of my head, your brain physically cannot experience gratitude and anxiety at the same time. Is that mind blowing to anyone else? If you are feeling stuck or anxious a surefire way to snap out of it is to journal about the things you really are grateful for, and I don't mean the list of things that you think sounds good or other people would understand. I mean really, truly, gives you butterflies you can't believe you got so lucky kind of grateful. And if you can't think of anything you're stuck in a victim mentality, I want you to stop and think about your front door. The fact that you have a front door that you can lock, that keeps you safe, that keeps the weather out makes you insanely fortunate. How incovenient would it be if that door wasn't there? You can also journal about what your dream life looks like. How you dress, how you act, what you drive, where you work, the more we articulate our dream life the more we believe it's possible for us.

Getting unstuck isn’t always easy but with the right tools it’s entirely possible to shift your energy and feel more motivated. Whether you’re tapping with EFT, moving your body, or simply shaking up your routine, these small actions can make a big difference. The truth is, we have more control over our mindset than we give ourselves credit for. When you focus on gratitude, move with intention, and choose healthier ways to cope, you begin to create those new pathways—ones that lead to more energy, creativity, and self-belief. So when that stuck feeling creeps in, remember that you have everything you need to get back on track.


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2 days ago

Great information... Thanks!!! 😘

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