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How Fixing My Gut Health Healed My Chronic Cystic Acne

Updated: Sep 19

and the many, many more benefits to a healthy gut microbiome


This article is intended to be informational and should not be taken as medical advice.

BY JENNY SMITH MATTFELDT Published September 18, 2024

When it comes to feeling and looking our best, it all starts in the gut. Often referred to as our “second brain,” the gut plays a vital role in everything from digestion and immunity to mood and even skin health. If your gut is out of balance, you might experience issues like bloating, fatigue, brain fog, or acne. The good news is, healing your gut isn’t just about avoiding discomfort—it’s about reclaiming your overall well-being. In this article, we’ll dive into the key steps to restore gut health naturally, so you can feel more vibrant from the inside out.

Healing my cystic hormonal acne was a long road and fixing my gut health was an important contributor. (If you'd like to read about my full skin journey you can find that here) I finally starting taking my gut health seriously after someone told me 'cystic acne isn't random, it's your body's way of asking for help'. Some of the tips in this article are proven by research and studies, some are not. But they are all things that made a huge difference in my personal experience. If you need more proof you can find it in these pictures, the first in 2018 the latter in 2024.

The Link Between Gut Health and Skin Health

Gut health is directly linked to skin health and is often called the "gut health axis". Some of the main factors are inflammation, balance of the microbiome, ability to absorb nutrients, and detoxification.

Inflammation: An unhealthy gut can lead to systemic inflammation which can trigger skin conditions like acne, eczema, or rosacea. Inflammatory markers from the gut can reach the skin, flaring and worsening these conditions.

Microbiome: The gut microbiome (the collection of good and bad bacteria in your digestive tract) plays a big role in skin health. When the balance of gut bacteria is disrupted (dysbiosis), it can contribute to skin conditions. Probiotics, which promote healthy gut bacteria, are often recommended to improve skin health.

Hormone Production: The bacteria in the gut plays a key role in hormone production which in turn influences regulation of estrogen, cortisol levels, proper thyroid function, and serotonin production (our feel good hormone).

Nutrient Absorption: A healthy gut helps the body absorb essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, and E, which are critical for skin health. Poor gut function can result in nutrient deficiencies that reflect on the skin, making it appear dull or prone to issues like dryness or acne.

Toxin Removal: When the gut isn't functioning well, toxins that should be eliminated through digestion may get reabsorbed into the body, which can manifest in the skin as breakouts or irritation.

Healing gut health involves making lifestyle and dietary changes that support a balanced gut microbiome and healthy digestion. These are some of the key strategies that have really impacted my life;

Food as Medicine

Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts provide fiber that feeds beneficial gut bacteria. A varied diet helps create a more diverse microbiome, which is associated with better gut health.

Fiber gets a bad rap because of the association with getting old (I can't be the only one picturing the orange Metamucil commercials), but fiber is essential for feeding good gut bacteria. Foods like bananas, garlic, onions, asparagus, and oats are rich in prebiotic fiber.

Fermented foods are the unsung heroes of healing your gut. Foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha introduce probiotics (good bacteria) to the gut.

During my healing journey I found that homemade bone broth and my signature lemon + ginger + apple cider vinegar shots made a huge difference. I would start every morning with a ginger shot on an empty stomach and later in the day enjoy some bone broth. Bone broth is rich in collagen and gelatin which help to seal the gut and decrease inflammation. Collagen is not only beneficial for the gut lining but it's a big contributor to healthy, glowing skin.

Antibiotics & Probiotics

If you are a 90's baby there's a good chance you have some gut health issues present day. Taking antibiotics was just a staple of our generation and the long term gut health complications weren't known yet. Of course antibiotics have a place and are necessary at times but overuse can kill of beneficial bacteria along with the harmful ones. When taking antibiotics consider using probiotics before and after to restore gut balance.

Lifestyle Changes

Good or bad, studied or not there were some lifestyle changes that had a significant impact on my gut health, and in turn my skin health. One habit my naturopathic doctor had me implement that I now can't live without is eating within and hour of waking up. Having a protein rich breakfast first thing in the morning sets your body up for a successful day.

Another factor is exercise. Moderate exercise improves gut microbiome diversity, promoting a healthy gut environment. It also helps regulate digestion and reduces inflammation. Plus sweating is great for clearing up your skin.

Sleep also plays a huge role, lack of sleep disrupts the gut microbiome and can lead to digestive issues. Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep to allow the body and gut to recover and repair. (I have a reputation for getting amazing sleep and I drop all of my tricks in Secrets to Better Skin)

Lastly, drinking alcohol. This isn't something I wanted to hear when I began my healing journey in my early 20's but drastically limiting your alcohol intake will change your life. It disrupts your gut microbiome balance, increases inflammation in the body, impairs nutrient absorption, and slows down your digestion.

Really at the end of the day you don't need an expensive greens powder or celebrity endorsed products. You just need quality whole foods coupled with some good habits and your body will take care of the rest. Healing your gut health takes time, but consistent efforts can help you restore balance and improve overall well-being, including clearer skin, better mood, and enhanced digestion. If you are struggling with your skin just know that it really does get better so try to have some grace for where you're at.


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